Tax and Accounting for Individuals and EstatesAccountant for BusinessAccountant Medical PracticesAccountant Veterinary Practices

Accounting Services

Let us be your financial advisor to help you find solutions to all aspects of your business needs.

Tax Services

Let us develop a tax strategy that will enable you to minimize federal and state income taxes.

Business Services

Let us help you address concerns and develop solutions specific for your business.

Our Newsletter

Read the latest articles from ClientLine, our quarterly newsletter.

As a successful accounting firm, we make every effort to understand and satisfy the needs of our clients.

At Maloney & Company, we have developed a broad expertise and proficiency in assisting closely held businesses and individuals reach their financial objectives.

We specialize in helping individuals and estates, businesses, and both medical and veterinary practices with accounting, bookkeeping, and business needs.

We like to feel that we are an integral part of their success and envision our role as that of a trusted financial advisor. We help with business valuations, tax representation, exit strategies, and achieving business and personal financial goals.

Our basic premise is simple: Provide our clients with value added services that help create wealth and directly benefit the bottom line.

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